We make voting easier!
The League of Women Voters Education Fund conducts voter service and citizen education activities. It is a nonpartisan nonprofit public policy educational organization, which:
-> Builds citizen participation in the democratic process.
-> Studies key community issues at all government levels in an unbiased manner.
-> Enables people to seek positive solutions to public policy issues through education and conflict management.
Volunteer to help us sign up new High School Voters (LWVST Membership not required)
Donations to the Education Fund, a 501(c)(3)corporation, are fully tax-deductible where allowed by law.
CLICK HERE for the Official 2021 Election Calendar
What’s on my ballot? Find out with the GeauxVote app.
How do I find out more about constitutional amendments on my ballot? Find out more info at http://parlouisiana.org/
Early Voting Locations in St. Tammany Parish
601 N. Jefferson Avenue
St. Tammany Justice Center Parking Garage
across from the Justice Center in Downtown Covington
520 Old Spanish Trail – The Towers Building
first floor conference training area (closed for lunch from 1pm – 2pm)
21490 Koop Drive – Council Chambers
First building on the left
CLICK HERE for information on the St. Tammany Parish Registrar of Voters
-> General Election Information
-> Polling Place Locater
-> Sample Ballot
-> Voting Forms
Voter Registration
Are you registered to vote? Do you want to change your party, your address, your name? Are you a U.S. citizen living abroad or a member of the U.S. Military? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER TO VOTE OR CHANGE YOUR REGISTRATION IN LOUISIANA
Louisiana Election & Voting Basics